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Senin, 11 Maret 2013

Narative Text dan Contohnya

Narative Text
            Question !!!
1.      What is Narative Text ?
2.      What is communicative of Narative Text ?
3.      What is generic stucture of Narative Text ?
4.      What the carasteristic of Narative Text ?

Answer !!!

1.      Narative is the story about legent and fairy tail.
2.      To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or visarious axperience in different ways. Narative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.
3.      Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the participants
Evaluation : a slepping back to evaluated the plight
Complication : a crisis aries
Resolution : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse
Re-orientation : optinal
4.      The purpose to entertaining the reader
Use simple past tense
Tell about story or fairy tail

*      The story
Once there was a woman who was greatly troubled by her husband.
He no longer loved her.He neglected her and seemed to care little whether she was happy or sad.
So the woman took her trouble to the local witchdoctor. She told him her story , full of pity for herself and sad plight. “ can you give me a charm to make him love me again? “ she asked anxiously.
The wicthdoctor, whom local people called Ki Ahmadi , thought for a moment and replied,” i will help you, but first you must bring me there hairs from the mane of a living lion. These i most have before i can make the charm for you.”
The woman thanked the witch doctor and went away. When she came near to her home she sat down on a rock and began to think. “ how shall i do this thing? There is a lion that comes often near to my village, it is true.” But he is fierce and roars fearfully. “come on,think arini!” she said to herself. “then she thought again and at last she knew what she would do.
And so, rising early next morning she took a young lamb and went to place where the lion usually stolled about. She waited anxiously. At last she saw the lion approaching. Now was the time. Quikly she rose and ,leaving the lamb in the path of the lion, she went home. And so it was that every day early in the morning the woman would arise and take a young lamb to the lion. Soon the lion came to know the woman, for she was always in the same place at the same time every day with you a young and tender lamb, which she brought for his pleasure. She was indeed a kind and attentive woman.
It was not long before the lion began to wag his tail each time he saw her and coming close to her, he would let her stroke his hake and so his back. And each day the woman would stay quietly stroking the lion, she carefully pulled there hairs from his mane and happily set out for Ki Ahmadi’s dwelling.
“see, arini said triumphantly as she entered,” here they are! And she gave him there hairs from the lion’s mane.
“how is it you have been so clever?” asked Ki Ahmadi in amazement.
And so the woman told him the story of how she has patiently won the hairs from the lion.
A smile spread over the face of the witchdoctor and, leaning forward, he said, “in the same way that you have tamed the lion, so may you tame your husband.

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