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Senin, 11 Maret 2013

News Item dan Contohnya

News Item Text

Question !!!
1.      What is News Item Text ?
2.      What is communicative of News Item Text ?
3.      What is generic stucture of News Item Text ?
4.      What the carasteristic of News Item Text ?
5.      What the tense mosly use of News Item Text ?
Answer !!!
1.      Text yang berisi berita.
2.      to inform reader, lintenars, or viewers, about events of the day which are considered newsworty or important.
3.      Newswortly events : recount the events in sumary from.
Backgroud events : elaborate what  happened, to whom, i what circumstances
Soeuces : comments by participants in witness to and authorities expert on the event
4.      Which begin with a city or place
Aquote from the expert
Use passive voice, use saying verb, use action verb
5.      Simple past tense

News item ::

“ video kekerasan seorang guru terhadap muridnya beredar “
Nganjuk,Jawa Timur. Video seorang guru sedang menampar ke-7 muridnya beredar dikalangan masyarakat dan pelajar nganjuk.
Diduga guru berinisial “BS” ini kesal terhadap ke-7 muridnya di SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 NGANJUK karena tidak memanggilnya dengan sebutan “PAK”. Guru yang juga wakil kepala sekolah ini langsung menampar ke-7 murinya tersebut.
Pihak sekolah membenarkan kejadian tersebut. Pihak sekolah juga akan melakukan mediasi secara kekeluargaan dan akan memberi teguran keras terhadap “BS”.

Meaning ::
"Video violence against students an outstanding teacher"

            Nganjuk, East Java. Video of a teacher is slapping the seven students circulated among the public and students Nganjuk.
            Presumably the teacher initials "BS" is irritated with the seven students in SMK Muhammadiyah 1 NGANJUK for not calling him "Mr". Teacher who is also deputy head of this school is a direct slap 7 students.
            The school confirmed the incident. The school will also conduct mediation between ourselves and will give strong warning against the "BS".

News item ::

A survey has found about 13 percent of first-time smokers in the country are junior high school student. It also revealed 89 persent of young famale employees were smokers.
The survey was conducted in five major cities acroos the country, including Surakarta in Central Java.
Muhammad Syaril Mansyur, the Surakarta health agency’s respiratory illness division, said that the finding of the survey showed an alarming growth rate of Indonesian smokers. “This situation is a cause for concern.” He said. “it appears the country’s younger generation is uneducated about the health risks smoking”.
The Indonesian anti-tobacco campaigh has repotedly been deemed as inefective as the goverment refuses ti sign the international convention on tobacco control. It said that cigarette producers contributed to a large amount to state revenue and gave jobs to thousands of workes.

Meaning ::

Tumbuh Jumlah Merokok Mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi
Sebuah survey menemukan sekitar 13 persen perokok pertama kali dinegara tersebut siswa SMP. Hal ini juga mengungkapkan 89 persen karyawan perempuan muda adalah perokok.
Survey ini dilakukan di lima kota besar seluruh negeri, termasuk di Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. Muhammad Syahril Masyur, divisi penyakit pernafasan Surakarta Keshatan Agency, mengatakan bahwa temuan survey menunjukkan tingkat pertumbuhan yang mengkhawatirkan dari perokok Indonesia. “situasi ini menjadi perhatian,” katanya, “tampaknya generasi muda negara itu adalah tidak berpendidikan tentang resiko kesehatan dari merokok”.
Di Indonesia anti-tembakau kampanye dilaporkan telah dianggap sebagai tidak efektif karena pemerintah tidak mendatangani konvensi internasional tentang pengendalian tembakau. Dikatakan bahwa produsen rokok memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar untuk menyatakan pendapatan dan memberikan pekerjaan untuk ribuan pekerja. 

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